Please note that your username and password are case-sensitive and must follow below security requirements:
Password Rules
• Minimum password length of 16 Characters
• Max of 2 identical adjacent characters will be allowed in password
• Must include Uppercase Character and can start or end with a uppercase character
• Must include Lowercase Character and can start or end with a lowercase character
• Must include a Number and can start and can start or end with a uppercase character or end with a number
• Must include a Special Character (! @ # $ etc) and can start or end with a special character
• Password cannot contain your logon ID
Security Rules
• Initial password must be changed
• 3 login attempts allowed before user-ID locked
• 3 forgotten password attempts allowed before user-ID locked
• 90 days between password change
• 14 days warning before password expires
• Password cannot be reused for 3 years