As the Supplier, you receive an invitation to the event via email.

  1. Click the Intend to Participate button.
  2. The notification will display the previous event on which the Auction is based.

Click on the file hyperlinks to download and read the T&Cs, NDA and guideline files.

  1. Click on the file hyperlinks to download and read the T&Cs, NDA and guideline files.

Intent to participate

  1. When T&Cs have been reviewed, make sure the “I intend to participate” check box is ticked.
  2. Answer Yes to accept individual T&C files.
  3. Scroll down and click Send Response to Owner.
  4. Terms and Conditions have been accepted prompt is displayed, event response can now be entered.

Enter response

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Enter Response.
  2. You will submit your bid on the next step.

Submit Price response

  1. Under Items and Lots submit your price.
  2. Note: You will notice your price response from the previous RFP event is defaulted.
  3. Make changes to your bid if necessary.
  4. Click Submit Bids.
  5. Coupa will show your current ranking after you submit your bid.
  6. Please see next step in order to use the Live chat to communicate with the event team.

Use live chat to communicate with the Event team.

  1. Click the Messages banner to expand the live chat.
  2. You can click Attach Files to upload new documentation.
  3. Click Send Message.
  4. The Event Team will be notified of your message.
  5. Milestone reached! You have confirmed your intention to participate, agreed to the T&Cs, submitted bids and used the live chat.

Next Milestone

If you have a question, please check out the FAQs.

If you cannot find the answer to your question please contact [email protected]