How to Create an Invoice by Supplier Actionable Notification (SAN).
Coupa – Supplier Actionable Notification (SAN).
Coupa is Mitie’s new Source to Pay (S2P) system has changed the way we do business with all our suppliers, making it more efficient and effective, bringing in simpler invoicing and better visibility of payments.
As part of this we will be introducing a new way for you to submit and managing your invoices by a Supplier Actionable Notification without creating a Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) Account.
No PO, No Pay: Invoices can be raised only against a purchase order, so you’ll need to have your POs set up first by your Mitie Contact. The Purchase Orders will arrive by email in the mailbox which you have nominated.
Receive PO by email.
You will receive the PO by email along with an attachment.
To do a PO Flip into an Invoice without registering on CSP.
- Click

The Coupa Terms of Use page will pop-up.

- Click
* The first time you use it you will get this pop up.

- Click
* If you don’t get this pop up continue to create Invoice.
Create New Remit-To.
- Populate the following,
– Company Information
– *Country/Region – change from US if your UK based.
– *Registered company legal name – must match your registered name with company’s house.
– *Type of Company – i.e., for eg. Limited, Sole Trader, Partnership.
– Board of Directors – not mandatory.
– Address
– *Remit to address – (Line 1, City & Postcode)
– Tax registration
– Tax Country/ region – change from US if your UK based
– Enter *VAT ID.
– Banking Information is not mandatory

- Click
The Create Invoice screen will display.

Complete the ‘General Info’ section.
- *Invoice # – enter the invoice number from your ERP system.
- *Invoice Date – must be the same as your invoice date otherwise it could affect your payment terms if it’s not changed.

* You can but are not required to add a copy of your invoice as an attachment.
Complete the ‘To’ section.
- Buyer VAT IDVAT – Ensure Buyer VAT IDVAT is GB for UK.

Complete the ‘Lines’ section.
Your Purchase Order will either be based on either Amount or Quantity.
- Amount
Usually used for POs relating to services. More that one invoice can be submitted against an amount based Purchase Order. As you may need to submit more than one invoice you will find that the price can be changed according to the value of the invoice that you wish to submit.

- Quantity
Usually used for POs relating to goods. A Single invoice may be submitted against such purchase orders and the Qty field cannot be changed

* If you find you are not able to invoice against the PO (i.e. due to a QTY PO being issued and not able to change the price) you must contact your Mitie requester by adding a comment against the PO asking them to cancel the PO and re-raise an AMT based PO. You are unable to create an invoice with a greater value than the PO.
Multiple Lines PO
- If you have multiple lines on a PO, you are able to adjust the Amount price against each line. You may also remove the lines that you do not wish to invoice against this time by clicking the ⊗.

CIS Invoices
- CIS is Construction Industry Scheme each supplier must select if their invoice is in scope or out of scope.
- CIS invoices can be submitted by the SAN. It is the responsibility of the supplier to indicate the labour cost of the service they provide and indicate the tax treatment.
- Submission warnings will guide the supplier to ensure they provide the correct information on the invoice.

Taxes – 0%, Exempt and Reverse Charge
In the VAT drop down select the relevant VAT – Options are 20%, 12.5%, 5.0%, 0.0% Exempt and Reverse Charge
Tax 0%?
- The tax reference can be left blank

Tax Exempt?
- If you select an ‘Exempt’ tax rate, a reference box is displayed.

- In the Tax Reference box start typing exempt and it will start to show exception options from which you can make a selection.

Reverse Charge?
- In the Tax Reference type ‘C’ and select an option

- Click ‘Calculate’ and you will see that the Tax total align with the VAT status that you selected.

* You can only have one VAT rate per line (if PO is one line, you can only PO flip one invoice line, if you invoice 2 VAT rates you need 2 lines on the PO)
* Always click calculate to check the invoice values as expected before you submit as mistakes cannot be changed without a credit note and re-invoice.
Submit Invoice.
- Review the invoice that you have created and the entries that you have made. If this aligns with the invoice in your ERP system click ‘Submit’.

Send Invoice.
‘Are you ready to send?’ window will pop up.
- To make any final amendments click ‘Continue Editing’
- Click ‘Send Invoice’.

Milestone reached!
You can now Create & Send Invoice by SAN.